
Posted by Touristm and Travelling 18.32, under | No comments

I acknowledge my education and put it to good use. 
I anticipate a future of accomplishment, prosperity, and wisdom. 
My future begins today!


Posted by Touristm and Travelling 01.53, under | No comments

Affirmations (Personal suggestion) is a medium or means for influencing the subconscious mind. In the human mind there are two parts that work together in a different way, namely the conscious mind and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the connecting link between the human conscious mind with the Universe or Intelligence Without Borders.
The easiest way to understand the conscious mind and subconscious mind is to describe our mind as a garden. You are a farmer and you plant the seeds (thoughts) in your subconscious mind every day according to the habits of your mindset. What you sow or plant in the garden land your subconscious mind, that's what you will reap the results in your life. The subconscious mind like land or a very fertile soil that can grow whatever seeds are sown on it, both positive and negative seeds.
The human mind has an extraordinary ability. In simple terms, such as a computer, our mind to produce something according to the program which is input into it. If the program is put into it is a positive program, then the result is positive, negative as well if the program is put into it, then the negative results that can be viewed. If we want good results (eg, successful, healthy, happy) then a good program that should we put in our subconscious mind, and vice versa. All that is in control of each one of us. To program the human mind must involve the five senses we have, sincere feeling, conscience, seriousness, and also must involve positive emotions.
There is one way to do the program to our mind is to do affirmations or suggestions PERSONAL, namely by saying repeatedly that the sentences we want to happen in our lives. Without us knowing it, from small and even from the womb we're given suggestions by our environment, but the suggestion is often given to us more is the suggestion turns out negative. For example a child who is often given negative statements by the environment, parents, siblings, neighbors, so that the program automatically goes into the mind and ultimately that is the reality in the life of the child (if the child is not found in its development of new programs positive.) Therefore, now is an ideal time for us to reprogram our minds each with positive things, with the aim that we get positive results.
Affirmation or repetition of the inaugural command is a way to provide continuous reinforcement or instructions on the subconscious mind to be able to stimulate or create a belief. Confidence is needed because when the conviction combined with the thought, the subconscious mind instantly capture the vibration and send it to the Universe or Intelligence Without Limits and in accordance with the law of attraction, then will return it to the concerned in the form of its physical counterpart. It is a fact already known to many people that eventually people will believe what is repeated by the person. Rhonda Byrne (a writer) in "The Secret" says that nothing can come into your experience unless you call him on his mind constantly.
Michael Bernard Beckwith (a speaker and meditation teacher) said "When people begin to understand the law of attraction in the Universe, often times they became afraid of all the negative thoughts they have. They need to know that has been scientifically proven an affirmation that affirms the mind is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought. In accordance with the law of attraction (Law of Attraction), that any embedded or programmed in our minds, then it will be sent to the Universe then the Universe will respond by sending or move people, situations and events to us to accept whatever we are programmed.


Posted by Touristm and Travelling 02.31, under , | No comments

Everyone who is born healthy and his mind would want to improve ourselves in every aspect. Whether it becomes more confident, more attractive, more patient and others. But whether this activity is hard to do? Friend, whether there may be self-development activities without any effort (read: minimal effort) from our side?
Self-development activities of the most simple and not costly at all is autosuggestion, introduced by a hypnosis expert from France named Emily Couve. Emily teaches this technique on patients. Before going to sleep and when morning they were asked to pronounce certain words repeatedly. The words spoken are: "Im getting better and better Everyday '(I'm getting better every day). So the pronunciation of autosuggestion is the method statement or positive affirmations over and over again to yourself. This method is also referred to as self-hypnosis.

Emile Couve
In 1895, at his clinic in Geneva, Switzerland, a doctor named Emile Couve develop a psychological technique to help his patients, which then led to a revolution in modern medicine. Although seemingly simple, these techniques have proved very effective. He taught each patient for each time repeating the affirmation he designed:
"Every day in many ways I am getting better and keep improving."
Although this affirmation method was originally rejected by various circles, because it is considered too simplistic and ineffective, but later turned out positive results can not be denied. Dr Clinic. Couve begin to achieve a cure rate to more than 500% when compared to other clinics and hospitals throughout Europe. Actually this concept is the pioneer of modern psychology, and in fact all top athletes use the technique Dr. Couve was, to their mental condition. So when patients and athletes are using these affirmations to their mental condition, why they are involved in the marketing did not try it, and may well also if the artists, employees, lawyers, teachers, leaders and other professionals also use a kind of affirmation.
Habits can be developed for about 21 days, make this affirmation as a habit a way to say it two times a day for 21 consecutive days, and see hasiknya extraordinary.
Basic affirmations
Affirmations is actually a positive statement that continues to be repeated until embedded in one's subconscious. There are five key in designing a successful affirmation:
1.      Brief: You should be able to say your affirmations in a single blast of breath. That can you say out loud the whole world, or in the heart repeatedly. This affirmation must be recalled with ease.
2.       Simple: An affirmation requires a firm intention to eventually could become a reality. If I need to make a series of affirmations if required various steps to make your dreams come true.
3.      Realistic: If you are unsure, you can not possibly make it happen. You could state that you will have everything you need, or you want to become a conglomerate, of course it can not be achieved by winning the lottery of 500 billion rupiah. Do it step by step.
4.      Positive: Avoid using negative words like not, not, do not or never. Negative actions serve as a barrier and it causes your subconscious mind groping, trying to understand what not to do. Also avoid words that represent the doubt as possible, hopefully, good times and so forth.
5.      Now: Start making changes now! There is no point in waiting for a better time to start. Do not let mistakes due to misunderstandings of the past hold you back!


Posted by Touristm and Travelling 02.25, under | No comments

Affirmations (Personal suggestion) is a medium or means for influencing the subconscious mind. In the human mind there are two parts that work together in a different way, namely the conscious mind and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the connecting link between the human conscious mind with the Universe or Intelligence Without Borders.
The easiest way to understand the conscious mind and subconscious mind is to describe our mind as a garden. You are a farmer and you plant the seeds (thoughts) in your subconscious mind every day according to the habits of your mindset. What you sow or plant in the garden land your subconscious mind, that's what you will reap the results in your life. The subconscious mind like land or a very fertile soil that can grow whatever seeds are sown on it, both positive and negative seeds.
The human mind has an extraordinary ability. In simple terms, such as a computer, our mind to produce something according to the program which is input into it. If the program is put into it is a positive program, then the result is positive, negative as well if the program is put into it, then the negative results that can be viewed. If we want good results (eg, successful, healthy, happy) then a good program that should we put in our subconscious mind, and vice versa. All that is in control of each one of us. To program the human mind must involve the five senses we have, sincere feeling, conscience, seriousness, and also must involve positive emotions.
There is one way to do the program to our mind is to do affirmations or suggestions PERSONAL, namely by saying repeatedly that the sentences we want to happen in our lives. Without us knowing it, from small and even from the womb we're given suggestions by our environment, but the suggestion is often given to us more is the suggestion turns out negative. For example a child who is often given negative statements by the environment, parents, siblings, neighbors, so that the program automatically goes into the mind and ultimately that is the reality in the life of the child (if the child is not found in its development of new programs positive.) Therefore, now is an ideal time for us to reprogram our minds each with positive things, with the aim that we get positive results.
Affirmation or repetition of the inaugural command is a way to provide continuous reinforcement or instructions on the subconscious mind to be able to stimulate or create a belief. Confidence is needed because when the conviction combined with the thought, the subconscious mind instantly capture the vibration and send it to the Universe or Intelligence Without Limits and in accordance with the law of attraction, then will return it to the concerned in the form of its physical counterpart. It is a fact already known to many people that eventually people will believe what is repeated by the person. Rhonda Byrne (a writer) in "The Secret" says that nothing can come into your experience unless you call him on his mind constantly.
Michael Bernard Beckwith (a speaker and meditation teacher) said "When people begin to understand the law of attraction in the Universe, often times they became afraid of all the negative thoughts they have. They need to know that has been scientifically proven an affirmation that affirms the mind is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought. In accordance with the law of attraction (Law of Attraction), that any embedded or programmed in our minds, then it will be sent to the Universe then the Universe will respond by sending or move people, situations and events to us to accept whatever we are programmed.


Posted by Touristm and Travelling 02.10, under | No comments

Raja Yoga means the king of all yoga. In the king of yoga we usually begin with meditation. There is a huge fundamental philosophy in it. One might ask why it is necessary to start with a meditation on the first level of the king of yoga. The answer is very simple and easy. We now gather ourselves at one point so that our minds each can leave the long-wandering habits are formed. With this practice we set up our own minds on the right path. Because the mind is now changing the form of habits. If all this is done our thoughts of course would not go astray.
In the training system of Sahaj Marg we start from Dhyan is the seventh step of Patanjali Yoga. Set our minds on one point with a goal to run a meditation. Previous steps are not studied separately, but are automatically entered into the practice when we began with meditation. With so much time and energy we saved. Meditation may be defined as thinking continuously about something or about something.
 To some extent, therefore, anyone who think continually of something may be said to be involved with a meditation. Ancient teachers both, in the East and West as what a person is taught that meditation, he will be like a meditated. Therefore, following the opinion that we meditate on what we have or to be like so and is the opposite of this formula, if we want to become something, we should meditate on that desire and nothing else. Therefore, if our aim is to achieve reality or would the results achieved to become one with the Most Great, the object of meditation should be the least of these and nothing else.       
Place for meditation.
Have a special place for meditation, have a particular posture, have a special time. This creates an environment in which once we arrived, we automatically entered in an atmosphere of meditation, thoughtful mood that these special places that we provide to meditation can you say as an ashram as well.
The attitude of the body.
Sitting in a suitable posture for one hour in the morning with the most natural way. The attitude of the body must always be the same. The reason is that in this way he found himself linked with immense strength. The only thing that she received at the outset to achieve a specific goal. So a state where he was associated with a REAL help him a lot as the beginning of a major. Position upright spine, neck and head in a perpendicular line during meditation has been taught is the most advantageous position since the days of yore. Because the flow of divine majesty is believed fell directly on abhyasi in this posture. In the way or our practice, however, is not prosecuted. Usually I recommend abhyasi to sit naturally with good posture. In addition, even those who take a position totally straight, often found automatically give way to an applicant, perlaha slowly falling forward position, as a form of the emergence of an absorption of happiness. With so may be considered more naturally even for purposes up to the state of higher consciousness. Actually, a debate on a matter that includes means smaller, seemingly unrelated.
Time for meditation.
We recommend that you sit down at dawn to meditate or Juka was not allowed at certain hours that fit with abhyasi. Do not be distracted by things outside but keep yourself busy with your job, think that they were helping you to feel the need for greater absorption in the praktekmu. Good for meditation between the hours of 2 and 4 am because that is when the best dive 24 hours.
Why we should meditate for an hour?
At the beginning when we begun the meditation, you may not be able to actually meditation, even for one minute within 1 hour. And over time we are able to meditate, earnest meditation for longer and longer and longer. Because when we started, a lot of wasted time to adjust ourselves to the situation, trying to control over our thoughts, place them on the object of meditation and keep it there.First we must create a body good, and very often you'll find people who can not afford it even submarines throughout the period of meditation. They were squirming around, turn around and try to find a nice position. After that we should start drafting kekauata thoughts and feelings. So if you think about this carefully, you will really appreciate that in order to meditate properly requires a lot of time. And just when we started really meditation we begin development. So that's the problem with meditation, as meditation provides the promise that very much, all this depends on us. how we do it. And therefore the Master said: "Meditation every day." Because by doing this again and again we gradually increase our ability to receive commands over the existing situation.
So meditation every day and he had explained it must be done at the same time, in the same place, because then your mind automatically become accustomed to what to do. So meditation should be practiced as instructed and in a manner that has already been set. Because then we are automatically entered into a state of meditation in a timely manner. You know, when the cows milked at the right time, the milk began to drip automatically. See, this is the value of a life on a regular basis.


Posted by Touristm and Travelling 01.55, under | No comments

Meditation is vital for helping you reconnect with your inner-self, giving you the quiet time you need to experience your journey of self discovery. There are many different meditation techniques but I am going to outline the straightforward classic sitting meditation form for you here. Meditation should last at least 20 minutes, as you become more experienced you may choose to extend your meditations. A great way to start and have some fun, is to join a local meditation group. If you are trying it on your own, start by finding a quiet, safe place where you will not be disturbed, meditation should be done in silence, however if your prefer you can put some gentle quiet music in the background.
You can sit cross legged in traditional meditation style on the floor or if you find this uncomfortable, use a comfortable chair instead. The most important thing is to be comfortable and well supported. If you are sitting on a chair it is best to keep both feet firmly on the ground. Your eyes should be at least partially open, if you want to close your eyes, the room must be brightly lit to allow enough light to pass through your eyelids to keep your brain alert. Meditation means that you are in a relaxed state, but your consciousness is fully alert and awake, if there is insufficient light, the brain is likely to relax and you will fall into a light sleep, which might be pleasant, but will be ineffective as a meditation. Drinking herb tea or hot water before a meditation session can help you relax and facilitates your self-awareness. Avoid overeating or consuming cold drinks before meditating.
When you are sitting comfortably, just relax, let go, do nothing. Let your thoughts gradually quieten down. Try to be aware of your breathing, gently let your breathing become deep and regular. Gradually focus your attention on a point just behind and below your naval, this is known as the point. Just be conscious of this point, pay passive attention to it. Try to be detached, if a thought comes to you, then just observe it, do not add to it with any active participation. Remain detached and passive, acknowledge the thought but do not dwell on it, do not engage with it, just observe the thought and then let it go.


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