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Everyone who is born healthy and his mind would want to improve ourselves in every aspect. Whether it becomes more confident, more attractive, more patient and others. But whether this activity is hard to do? Friend, whether there may be self-development activities without any effort (read: minimal effort) from our side?
Self-development activities of the most simple and not costly at all is autosuggestion, introduced by a hypnosis expert from France named Emily Couve. Emily teaches this technique on patients. Before going to sleep and when morning they were asked to pronounce certain words repeatedly. The words spoken are: "Im getting better and better Everyday '(I'm getting better every day). So the pronunciation of autosuggestion is the method statement or positive affirmations over and over again to yourself. This method is also referred to as self-hypnosis.

Emile Couve
In 1895, at his clinic in Geneva, Switzerland, a doctor named Emile Couve develop a psychological technique to help his patients, which then led to a revolution in modern medicine. Although seemingly simple, these techniques have proved very effective. He taught each patient for each time repeating the affirmation he designed:
"Every day in many ways I am getting better and keep improving."
Although this affirmation method was originally rejected by various circles, because it is considered too simplistic and ineffective, but later turned out positive results can not be denied. Dr Clinic. Couve begin to achieve a cure rate to more than 500% when compared to other clinics and hospitals throughout Europe. Actually this concept is the pioneer of modern psychology, and in fact all top athletes use the technique Dr. Couve was, to their mental condition. So when patients and athletes are using these affirmations to their mental condition, why they are involved in the marketing did not try it, and may well also if the artists, employees, lawyers, teachers, leaders and other professionals also use a kind of affirmation.
Habits can be developed for about 21 days, make this affirmation as a habit a way to say it two times a day for 21 consecutive days, and see hasiknya extraordinary.
Basic affirmations
Affirmations is actually a positive statement that continues to be repeated until embedded in one's subconscious. There are five key in designing a successful affirmation:
1.      Brief: You should be able to say your affirmations in a single blast of breath. That can you say out loud the whole world, or in the heart repeatedly. This affirmation must be recalled with ease.
2.       Simple: An affirmation requires a firm intention to eventually could become a reality. If I need to make a series of affirmations if required various steps to make your dreams come true.
3.      Realistic: If you are unsure, you can not possibly make it happen. You could state that you will have everything you need, or you want to become a conglomerate, of course it can not be achieved by winning the lottery of 500 billion rupiah. Do it step by step.
4.      Positive: Avoid using negative words like not, not, do not or never. Negative actions serve as a barrier and it causes your subconscious mind groping, trying to understand what not to do. Also avoid words that represent the doubt as possible, hopefully, good times and so forth.
5.      Now: Start making changes now! There is no point in waiting for a better time to start. Do not let mistakes due to misunderstandings of the past hold you back!

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